My Holo Love: romance and action

My Holo Love

Imagine you're lonely. Then someone secretly puts a pair of glasses in your pocket and when you put them one, this handsome guy appears. His name is Holo, and his sole goal is to make you happy!

That's what happens to Han So Yeon, who is an assistant manager at a glasses company. She's lonely because she suffers from prosopagnosia the inability to recognize faces.

This is part of the story of Kdrama My Holo Love.

My Holo Love

At first Han So Yeon thinks she's seeing a ghost when she sees Holo, but soon she gets used to him, and then falls in love with him. Things start to get interesting when she starts longing for physical contact with Holo.

Unfortunately that's when this Kdrama takes a turn for the worst. The romance angle is put on the back burner, and it becomes more of a mystery/action kind of drama.

Go Nan Do versus Holo

Go Nan Do is the owner of the IT research company. He's a genius, and invented Holo. He's very lonely too, and still suffers because his mother committed suicide when he was a little boy. Holo looks like him, but his personality is very different. Go Nan Do is brusque, impatient and not very courteous whereas Holo is patient, friendly and polite all the time. Nevertheless, Holo is kind of Go Nan Do's alter ego.

What's not to like about My Hole Love?!

My Holo Love is a nice enough Kdrama. I especially like the first 6 episodes because they focused more on human relationships, loneliness and romance. I did not like the last episodes all that much, but that's simply because I'm not a fan of action and pursuits. I prefer the romance angle.

Okay, I'll tell you what's not to like!

But if you twist my arm, I'll tell you what's not to like about My Holo Love. I thought Han So Yeon was quite childish after finding out the truth that Holo was a creation of Go Nan Do. She keeps insisting on a relationship with Holo, while the real thing, Go Nan Do told her he loves her. And he's so lonely!

Then, once Han So Yeon gets it together Go Nan Do decided to sacrifice himself for the greater good or something. Thereby becoming just as annoying as Han So Yeon was before.

The lovely trailer of My Holo Love

The trailer of My Holo Love is lovely and very promising with lots of romance which I love.

Summing up

My Holo Love was a nice Kdrama, but halfway through it becomes more of an action Kdrama than a romantic one. Although in the last episode there are some sweet, romantic moments.

All in all, I'ld rate this Kdrama a 7. It's rated 8,5 on MyDramalist, but that's too high for me.

Practical information about My Holo Love

You can actually watch this Kdrama on Netflix! Isn't it great? There are 12 episodes that last about 45 minutes.

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